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Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets Price in Turkey (Updated Price)

Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablet is a medication used to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems, such as acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It works by reducing the amount of acid in the stomach, which helps to relieve symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion. It is available in a 28-tablet package, with each tablet containing 40 mg of the active ingredient, esomeprazole.

It is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medication and is to be taken orally as directed by a healthcare provider. It is important to note that this medication should not be taken for more than 14 days or more frequently than every 4 months unless directed by a doctor.

Nexium price
Drug Information
Drug Name:Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets
Company:AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Active ingredient:Esomeprazole
ATC Code:A02BC05
Public Code:A09085
Price:221.12 TL
Prescription Type:Regular Prescription
Recruitment:Buy your medicine only from the pharmacy!

Indications of Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets

Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets;
– Preventing re-bleeding of stomach or duodenal ulcers,
– Inflammatory condition that occurs in the esophagus as a result of stomach contents leaking into the esophagus (reflux esophagitis),
– Stomach ulcer,
– Stomach and intestinal disorders associated with the use of NSAID group drugs*,
– Preventing stomach and duodenal ulcers that may be caused by these drugs in patients who need to take NSAID group drugs,
– Patients who need to constantly take NSAID group drugs,
– Various diseases caused by excess stomach acid, including Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome,
– Gastroesophageal reflux (stomach content coming from the esophagus to the mouth) disease,
– It is effective in the treatment of diseases such as Helicobacter pylori infection.
(*NSAID group drugs [diklofenak (Cataflam, Diclomec, Dicloflam, Dolorex, Voltaren); etodolak (Etol, Edolar); ibuprofen (Brufen, Ibufen, Suprafen, Nurofen); indometasin (Endol); ketoprofen (Profenid); meloksikam (Melox, Exen, Zeloxim); naproksen (Aleve, Apranax, Aprol, Naprosyn, Synax); piroksikam (Felden, Oksikam); vb.])

Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets Side Effects

Like all medicines, some side effects may occur with the use of Nexium 40 mg Tablet containing the active ingredient Esomeprazole.
• Sudden wheezing, swelling of the lips, tongue and throat or body, skin rash, fainting or difficulty swallowing.
• Redness of the skin with blisters or peeling. Additionally, severe blistering and bleeding may occur in the lips, eyes, mouth, nose and genital areas. This condition may be “Stevens-Johnson syndrome” or “toxic epidermal necrolysis”.
• Yellowing of the skin, dark urine and fatigue, which are symptoms of liver problems.
These very serious side effects occur in less than one in a thousand patients.
If you experience one or more of the side effects mentioned above with the use of Nexium, you should immediately stop using Nexium and contact your doctor or hospital.
Common side effects occurring in less than 10%
• Headache
• Abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, constipation
• Nausea, vomiting
Uncommon side effects that may occur in less than 1%
• Dry mouth
• Swelling in feet and ankles
• Sleeping disorders
• Dizziness, feeling sleepy
• A tingling sensation like pins and needles.
• Vertigo (dizziness)
• Change in liver test results
• Skin rash, lumpy rash, itching
• Hip, wrist or spine fracture with high dose and long-term use of Nexium
Rare side effects occurring in less than 0.1%
• Feeling agitated, confused, or depressed
• Taste disorder
• Blurred vision
• Bronchospasm (sudden wheezing or breathlessness)
• Inflammation in the mouth
• An inflammation called “thrush”, which is caused by a fungus and can affect the intestines
• Jaundice with or without icterus, which can cause yellowing of the skin, dark urine, and fatigue.
• Hair loss
• Skin rash when exposed to the sun
• Joint pain, muscle pain
• General feeling of unwellness and weakness
• Increased sweating
• Blood problems such as a decrease in the number of white blood cells or platelets. This may cause fatigue, bruising, or make infection more likely.
• Low sodium levels in the blood. This can cause weakness, feeling sick (vomiting), and cramps.
Very rare side effects occurring in less than 0.01%
• Changes in blood values, including agranulocytosis (lack of white blood cells)
• Aggression, state of anger
• Hallucination. Seeing, feeling, or hearing things that don’t exist.
• Microscopic colitis; intestinal inflammation causing diarrhea
• Serious liver problems that cause liver failure and inflammation in the brain
• Sudden severe rash or blistering or peeling of the skin. This condition may be associated with high fever and joint pain (Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis)
• Muscle weakness
• Serious kidney problems
• Breast enlargement in men
• Decrease in magnesium level in the blood
In very rare cases, Nexium may affect white blood cells, which are important in immune protection. If you have an infection with a serious general condition such as fever, or fever with localized inflammation such as pain in the neck, throat or mouth, or difficulty urinating, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible so that the deficiency of white blood cells can be determined by a blood test. At this time, it is important to provide information about your treatment.

Usage of Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets

Use in Pregnant Women
Nexium, which contains the active ingredient esomeprazole, should be used in pregnant women only with the advice of a doctor. People who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should inform their doctor before prescribing medication, and people who realize they have become pregnant during treatment should consult their doctor immediately.
Use During Breastfeeding
Nursing mothers who are in the lactation period should only use the medicine with the advice of a doctor.
Vehicle and Machinery Use
Taking Nexium has no effect on driving and using machines.

Nexium 40 mg Tablet Price

Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets, drug price: Sales including VAT announced by İEGM (TITCK) affiliated with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey as of 14.01.2024 price 221.12 TL is. This drug with barcode number 8699786040045, offered for sale by AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical company, is in the Original drug class in the Original/Generic/Twenty-Year-Old classification.

Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablet Active Ingredient

Esomeprazole, the active ingredient of Nexium 40 mg Tablet, is originally known as Esomeprazole. Esomeprazole The National Library of Medicine registration number (CAS No) of the substance is -, its molecular weight is 345.41606 g/mol and its formula is C17H19N3HE3S. Pregnancy/pregnancy category of esomeprazole is B, drugs containing this active ingredient are taken either orally or by intravenous injection.

Chemical Structure Picture for Esomeprazole, the main active ingredient of Nexium 40 mg Tablet:
Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets (Esomeprazole) Chemical Structure (2 D)Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablets (Esomeprazole) Chemical Structure (3 D)

Category of Nexium 40 mg 28 Tablet drug

Digestive System and Metabolism – Stomach Medicines – Peptic Ulcer and Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Medicines – Proton Pump Inhibitors – Esomeprazole

Please note that the information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Therapidya does not take any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the information provided on this website or for the consequences of self-treatment with the medicines described. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about a medical condition or treatment.

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