Yasmin Antibabypille 21 Tabletten Preis in der Tuerkei 2023 Aktualisierter

Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablets Price in Turkey 2023 (Updated Price)

Yasmin is a brand of birth control medication that contains two active ingredients: drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Drospirenone is a synthetic form of the hormone progestin, while ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic form of estrogen. Together, these hormones prevent pregnancy by thickening the mucus in the cervix to block sperm from reaching the egg, and by thinning the lining of the uterus to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg.

Yasmin is taken orally once daily, and is available by prescription only. It is also used to treat symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and moderate acne in women.

yasmin price
Drug Information
Drug Name:Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablets
Company:Bayer Pharmaceuticals
Active ingredient:Drospirenone and Ethinyl Estradiol
ATC Code:G03AA12
Price:330.59 TL
Prescription Type:Regular Prescription
Recruitment:Buy your medicine only from the pharmacy!

Indications of Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablets

In addition to its contraceptive effect, thanks to its antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic effects, it is effective in women suffering from hormone-related water retention and related symptoms, acne and seborrhea.

Side Effects of Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablets

Like all medications, some side effects may occur with the use of Yasmin.
Very serious side effects:
• Swelling in the leg unilaterally or along a vein in the leg; pain or tenderness that can only be felt when standing or walking, increased warmth in the affected leg; deep vein thrombosis with symptoms such as redness or discoloration of the skin on the leg
• Sudden shortness of breath or rapid breathing; Sudden cough that may contain blood; sharp chest pain that may increase with deep breathing; feeling irritable; severe unsteadiness or dizziness; Clot formation in the lung with symptoms such as fast or irregular heartbeat
• Blockage of arterial and venous blood vessels due to blood clot.
• Unusual heavy vaginal bleeding or vaginal bleeding of unknown cause
• Severe leg or chest pain
• Erythema multiforme disease, which manifests itself with blistering of the skin in the mouth and throughout the body.
If these very serious side effects occur, you should immediately inform your doctor or contact a healthcare facility where you can receive urgent medical attention.
Common side effects:
Decreased or loss of sexual desire, depression, depressive mood, mood change, nausea, migraine, breast pain, breakthrough bleeding, weight gain, spotting.
The incidence of side effects classified as common is between 1% and 10%.
Rare side effects:
Hypersensitivity, weight loss, venous and arterial thromboembolic events.
Side effects classified as rare side effects occur between one in ten thousand and one in a thousand.
For detailed information about side effects, read the instructions for use of your medicine.
Does it cause sexual reluctance?
Undesirable effects of Yasmin include decreased or loss of sexual desire. It is stated in the instructions for use of the drug that this undesirable situation may be encountered at a rate of 1% to 10%.
Does it make you gain weight?
Yasmin has both weight loss and weight gain side effects. Weight gain occurs between 1% and 10%, and weight loss occurs between one in ten thousand and one in a thousand.

Usage of Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablets

Those who will re-start or are just starting to use combined oral contraceptives should have a complete anamnesis and physical examination under the guidance of the “Contraindications” and “Warnings/Precautions” sections, and this should be repeated periodically throughout the use of combined oral contraceptives. Periodic medical evaluation is important, especially since contraindications (e.g. transient ischemic attack) or risk factors (e.g. family history of venous or arterial thrombosis) may appear for the first time during combined oral contraceptive use.
What these assessments include and how often they should be performed should be determined by taking into account generally accepted guidelines and should be adapted individually for each user, but should generally cover blood pressure, breasts, abdominal and pelvic organs, including cervical cytology. Users should consider the use of oral contraceptives against HIV infections. They should be informed that it does not protect against (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The tablets should be taken with some water, in the direction shown on the package, at approximately the same time each day. One tablet is taken every day for 21 consecutive days. Each subsequent pack is started after a 7-day tablet-free period, during which withdrawal bleeding is frequently observed. This bleeding usually occurs on the 2nd-3rd day after taking the last tablet. day and may not be interrupted when the next pack is started.
If there was no hormonal contraceptive use in the previous month:
Tablet intake should be started on the first day of the woman’s normal cycle (first day of bleeding).
It is also acceptable to start tablets between days 2 and 5, but in this case a barrier method of contraception should be additionally used for seven days from the start of tablets for the first cycle.
Switching from another combined oral contraceptive:
The user should preferably start Yasmin on the day following the day the last tablet of the previous oral contraceptive was taken. A break can be taken at most until the last day of the tablet-free period.
Switching from a progestagen-only method (minipill, injection, implant) or progestagen-releasing intrauterine system (IUS):
Switching from minipill can be done on any day (the day the implant or IUS is removed, or the day the next injection is due for injection). However, in all these conditions, it is recommended to use an additional barrier method for the first 7 days of tablet taking.
After first trimester miscarriage:
It can be started immediately. In this case, additional contraceptive methods are not required.
After birth or second trimester miscarriage:
(For breastfeeding women, see Pregnancy and lactation)
In this case, women are between 21st and 28th. It should be warned to start in the following days. If starting later, an additional barrier method is recommended for the first seven days of use. However, if there has been sexual intercourse before, pregnancy should be excluded or the woman should wait for the next bleeding episode before starting oral contraceptives.
When you forget to take tablets;
If the user is less than 12 hours late in taking the tablet, contraceptive protection is not reduced. The tablet should be taken as soon as remembered and the next tablets should be taken as usual. If there is a delay of more than 12 hours, contraceptive protection may be reduced.
In this case, 2 basic rules apply:
1. Tablet taking is never interrupted for more than 7 days.
2. In order to properly suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, tablets must be taken without a break for 7 days.
Accordingly, the following recommendations can be given for daily practice:
1 week: The user should take the last forgotten tablet as soon as he remembers it, although this means taking two tablets at the same time. He can continue to use the remaining tablets at his normal time. An additional barrier method such as a condom should be used for the following 7 days. If sexual intercourse occurred within 7 days before the day the tablet was forgotten, the possibility of pregnancy should be considered. The more tablets are forgotten and the closer to the tablet-free period the day these tablets are forgotten, the higher the risk of pregnancy.
2 weeks: The user should take the last forgotten tablet as soon as he remembers it, although this means taking two tablets at the same time. He can continue to use the remaining tablets at his normal time. If the tablets have been taken correctly for 7 days until the first forgotten tablet, there is no need to use additional methods. Otherwise, or if the woman has forgotten more than one tablet, additional precautions should be taken for the next 7 days.
Three weeks: There is a high risk of decreased reliability as the tablet-free era is approaching. However, a decrease in contraceptive protection can be prevented by making adjustments to tablet intake. If the tablets were taken correctly for the 7 days before the missed tablet, an additional contraceptive method will not be required by applying one of the two options below, otherwise the first of these options must be chosen and additional precautions must be taken for 7 days.
1. The user should take the last forgotten tablet as soon as he remembers it, even if this means taking two tablets at the same time. He/she can continue to use the remaining tablets as normal. The next box should be started as soon as the current box is finished, without a break for 7 days. No withdrawal bleeding is expected in the user until the end of the second box. However, spotting or breakthrough bleeding may occur on the days when the tablet is taken.
2. It may be suggested that he leave the box he is using. A new box is started after a 7-day break (including the days when the pill is forgotten).
If the user who forgets to take the tablet does not experience the expected withdrawal bleeding in the first tablet-free period, the possibility of pregnancy should be taken into consideration.
In case of gastrointestinal disorders;
In case of severe gastrointestinal disorders, absorption may not be complete and additional contraceptive measures should be taken.
If vomiting occurs within 3-4 hours following tablet intake, the recommendations given for forgotten tablets (see When tablet intake is forgotten) apply. If the woman does not want to change her normal tablet-taking schedule, she should take the extra tablets needed from another box.

Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablet Overdose

There is no clinical experience with Yasmin overdose. There are no serious side effects reported due to overdose in preclinical studies. According to the experience gained from the use of combined oral contraceptives, the symptoms that may be observed when using Yasmin are nausea, vomiting and light vaginal bleeding in young people. There is no antidote and treatment must be symptomatic.

Yasmin Birth Control Pill Price

Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablets, drug price: Sales including VAT announced by İEGM (TITCK) affiliated to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey as of 14.01.2024 price 330.59 TL is. This drug with barcode number 8699546093953, offered for sale by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, is in the Original drug class in the Original/Generic/Twenty-Year-Old classification.

Category of Yasmin Birth Control Pill 21 Tablet medicine

Urogenital System and Sex Hormones – Sex Hormones and Genital System – Systemic Hormonal Contraceptives – Progestogens and Estrogens, Fixed Combinations – Estradiol and Drospirenone

Please note that the information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Therapidya does not take any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the information provided on this website or for the consequences of self-treatment with the medicines described. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about a medical condition or treatment.

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