1705574413 Bi Profenid 150 mg 10 comprimes Prix en Turquie 2023

Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets Price in Turkey 2023 (Updated Price)

Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets is a medication that belongs to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is primarily used for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with various conditions, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and other musculoskeletal disorders. Bi-Profenid contains the active ingredient ketoprofen, which works by inhibiting the production of certain chemicals in the body that cause pain, swelling, and inflammation.

It is available in tablet form, and the recommended dosage and duration of treatment may vary depending on the individual’s condition and medical history. Like any medication, Bi-Profenid may cause side effects and interact with other drugs, so it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions and report any unusual symptoms immediately. Overall, Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets is an effective option for managing pain and inflammation, and it is commonly prescribed by healthcare professionals worldwide.

bi preofenid price in turkey
Drug Information
Drug Name:Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets
Company:Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceuticals
Active ingredient:ketoprofen
ATC Code:M01AE03
Public Code:A09649
Price:88.01 TL
Prescription Type:Regular Prescription
Recruitment:Buy your medicine only from the pharmacy!

Indications of Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets

– Psoriatic arthritis, a disease in which psoriasis and arthritis occur together,
– Persistent pain or nerve pain due to irritation or inflammation of the skull or spinal nerves, low back pain, microcrystalline arthritis,
– Ankylosing spondylitis (a rheumatic disease mostly seen in men, characterized by stiffening of the joints between the vertebrae or between the vertebrae and the ribs and decreased or lost mobility)
– Reiter Syndrome,
– Inflammatory joint rheumatism (rheumatoid arthritis),
– Joint inflammation (osteoarthritis) characterized by wear, pain and loss of function in the joint cartilage due to various conditions,
– Extra-articular rheumatic diseases (such as tendonitis, inflammation of the sac or bag-shaped formations (bursitis) that are located between the organs that rub against each other in the body and prevent their wear),
– It is effective in the treatment of benign diseases that occur after short-term (acute) damage to the musculoskeletal system.

Bi-Profenid Price

Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets, drug price: Sales including VAT announced by İEGM (TITCK) affiliated with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey as of 14.01.2024 price 88.01 TL is. This drug with barcode number 8699809018341, offered for sale by Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceutical company, is in the Original drug class in the Original/Generic/Twenty-Year-Old classification.

Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets Active Ingredient


Chemical Structure Picture for the main active ingredient of Bi-Profenid drug:
Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets () Chemical Structure (2 D)Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets () Chemical Structure (3 D)

Category of Bi-Profenid 150 mg 10 Tablets

Musculoskeletal System – Anti-inflammatory and Antirheumatics – Non-Steroidal Drugs (nonsteroids) – Propionic acid derivatives – Ketoprofen

Please note that the information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Therapidya does not take any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the information provided on this website or for the consequences of self-treatment with the medicines described. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about a medical condition or treatment.

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